Thursday, October 31, 2019
Worksheet 1 (architecture) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Worksheet 1 (architecture) - Essay Example From Old Main in the Gothic Revival style to the new Performance Hall a range of architectural design can be found. The Family Life Building built in the 1935 was Art Deco. Every building was built in a specific style. The outside might be redone, but many of the buildings are remodeled on the inside alone. Thus the buildings stay true to historical outer facades, but are updated to be modern on the inside. The Manon Caine Russell Kathryn Caine Wanlass Performance Hall is a fairly new addition to the USU. It is the USU Performance Hall. The glass, steel, and concrete geometrical form a terrific acoustical hall for performances. The 400 seat hall is perfect for sound quality. The suspension of all mechanical systems either with pads or springs detracts any vibrations or extra sounds. The Performance Hall was created solely for the best acoustical effects possible. Old Main is my favorite building for several reasons. First, the building had a fire in the 80’s. Instead of tearing the building down, the building was restored. I believe that more old buildings need to be maintained and restored instead of being torn down. Old Main has been remodeled on the interior over the years. Most things need to be maintained. Buildings are no exception. One example of a remodel is the bells. In the tower bells have been located since 1904. Today electronic bells can be heard every 15 minutes during the day. The remodels have made Old Main into a modern building on the inside, while remaining a Gothic Revival tribute on the outside. The oldest building on the Utah State University campus is Old Main. This Gothic Revival building dates back to 1889. The building has been renovated and added on to several times. The building, despite being over a hundred years old, still functions. Old Main currently houses USU administration and main offices for USA departments. The original mission of the university was to promote land-grant or agriculture. The USU was originally the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Principles of Economics.Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve Essay Example for Free
Principles of Economics.Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve Essay Investment and consumption decreased during the 2007 and 2009 recession. Government expenditure can increase Aggregate demand because it increases liquidity in the market. The government may operate below full employment when job seekers are more than available job hence end up accepting low wages. The multiplier can have a negative effect when people lose jobs as a result of government cut spending. This causes initial decrease in national income. The relationship between marginal propensities and multiplier is that an increase in MPC leads to an increase in multiplier. Similarly, increase in MPS causes a decrease in the multiplier (Farmer, 2008). 2. Fiscal Policy      9/11 attack led to decrease in aggregate demand, in United States. An example of a sector that was hit hard is entertainment and travel sectors. It also led to decrease in personal consumption. The attack caused an increase in equilibrium price levels. This is because there is an inverse relationship between Aggregate demand and equilibrium price levels.An Expansionary fiscal policy and Contractionary fiscal policy is used to increase aggregate demand. Expansionary fiscal policy is a policy used during the recession to increase AD by increasing government spending or decreasing taxes. Contractionary fiscal policy is used during inflation in order to decrease AD by decreasing government spending or increasing taxes (Farmer, 2008). After September 11’s attack, the government increased expenditure in different sectors such as national defense. 3. Money and Banking      Factors that led to the mortgage default crisis is much borrowings and flawed financial modeling majorly based on an assumption that prices of homes only go up, greed and fraud. Mortgage defaults affected lending banks in that their loans were not repaid leading to huge losses. In many cases, they got real estate that was valued far below what mortgage was when borrowers had a note. Default of bonds income backed by mortgage loans was interrupted banks were left with unwanted real estate (Friedman, 2010). Securitization is pooling different types of contractual debt. TARP is a program formed by the government of US to buy assets and equity from institutions that offer financial services in order to strengthen the financial sector. TARP opened a window of opportunity for banks to pay their own debt and acquire other businesses instead of lend money to private sectors. The Federal Reserve injected funds into the credit markets in order to help them lend again. It also reduced the target federal funds rate. Major provisions in the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act include Office of Insurance which creates Federal Insurance Office that monitors aspects of the insurance industry and Consumer Protections that creates Consumer Financial Protection Agency which protects Americans from unfair financial products and services. 4. Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve      The Federal Reserve System refers to the central banking system of United States. Fed was launched in response to a series of financial panics. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta covers the states of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, 74 counties in Tennessee, 38 parishes of Louisiana, and 43 counties of Mississippi. William H. Rogers, Jr is the current Chairman of this Fed. This fed should remain politically independent because its rate is determined by market and is not explicitly determined by the Fed. The target for federal funds is adjusted by 0.25% or 0.50% at any given time. Fed give liquidity to banks to enable them gives credit in times of recession. Federal Open Market Committee is a committee in Federal Reserve System that is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the country’s open market operations. Fed should decrease their rates to help spur the economy of US. This is expansionary monetary policy (Axilrod, 2011). 5. Free Trade      I support free trade and the NAFTA. They are based on comparative advantage. Countries produce what they can export cheaply. US exports goods like corn and meat to Mexico. Some of goods imported into USA include snacks and processed fruits. However, despite the having the benefit of increasing growth and collaboration between countries, free trade has the cost of dumping goods into the country and destroying infant industries. Free trade should be restricted on some goods like natural resources. 6. Foreign Exchange      US dollar is currently losing value against the euro. This is because the European Union is finding solution to Euro crisis. Dollars are supplied by the Central Bank of USA. A dollar loses value when its demand goes down. For example, whenever US citizens buy products from Germany, the demand for Euro goes up against the Dollar. A falling US Dollar increases ones travel expenses. This is because has to use more dollars to buy a foreign currencies which are expensive. However, a cheap dollar is bad for the US economy because it discourages exportation. A free floating exchange rate refers to a monetary system whose exchange rates are free to move due to forces of the market without intervention by the government (Friedman, 2010). References Axilrod, S. H. (2011). Inside the Fed monetary policy and its management, Martin through Greenspan to Bernanke (Rev. ed.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. APA formatting by Farmer, R. E. (2008). Aggregate demand and supply. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Friedman, M., Heller, W. W. (2010). Monetary vs. fiscal policy. New York: Norton. Starr, R. M. (2011). General equilibrium theory: an introduction (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. Source document
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The issue of gender in Cambodia
The issue of gender in Cambodia Gender problem is considered as a global issue which exists not only in developing country but also in developed country. As a developing country in South-East Asia, Cambodia is known as a hierarchically ordered society. In all areas of development and administration, women always take the partnership with men. Unfortunately, they still cannot access to all equal rights, shares of benefits, opportunities, and values. Although Cambodia has reached the age of globalization, women still have been regarded as the lower group because of gender inequality. Cambodian womens choices have been in one particular limit as the result of cultural and traditional norms which is seen in many aspects of Cambodian society such as family, education, workplace and politics. Traditionally, Cambodian families value the men more than women as a Cambodian said that the men are a piece of gold when it is dropped in mud, is still a piece of gold while the women are a piece of cloth, once it is stained, stained forever. Normally, women are responsible for doing household chores and lacking of decision-making as well as giving birth while the men go outside for work to earn money and they are controversial and powerful in the family. Thus, when facing any problems, men always use their power to deal with such situation that sometime, they great physical abuse or any kinds of violence to rule over the women. Moreover, there are many reasons regarding to the wide gap between men and women of accessing of education. Firstly, Cambodian people believe that men are more important than women because men can go out to work while women have to stay at home to do the housework. Furthermore, parents do not allow their daughters to go to school because of some factors regarding security and reputation. As another Cambodian said that a family which has a daughter is not different from a family that has a toilet in front of the house. As a result, women in the past were not allowed to study because she could be stubborn, and write a love letter to men. Furthermore, after all daughters get married, they have to stay at home and to be fed by her husband. Therefore, she does not need to study. In addition, if a poor family can afford only one child to study, the family will choose son to study instead of daughter. According to an interview to a poor family which moved to Phnom Penh city from Prey Veng p rovince ten years ago that has one son and two daughters that is conducted by our group shown that both of the two daughters are not allowed to go to school because they have to work in the garment factories in order to support their brothers education. Finally, their brother now has become an upper-secondary school teacher at Santhormok High School in Phnom Penh city while they both are illiteracy. According to ADB, DFID/UK, UNDP, UNIFEM, and WB (2004, p.46) states that mens wages is 33 percent higher than womens wages depend on an individuals age and education. Moreover, Ministry of Planning (1999) says that the largest wage differences between males and females exist among young worker aged 15 to 29 with no schooling (75 percent), while the smallest differences exist among workers aged 30 to 39 years with lower secondary schooling (As cited in ADB et al., 2004, p.46), so it shows that there is substantial wage discrimination against women, and young women in particular labor markets. In addition, Cambodia Development Resource Institute (2003) says that the average daily wage for men in fishing is about 5,000 riels ($1.25), while women earn only 83 percent of that amount; in fish processing men earn about 4,150 riels ($1.13) per day and women earn 63 percent of that wage (As cited in ADB et al., 2004, p.46). Furthermore, The participatory poverty assessment (ADB, 2001) in Camb odia found that womens wage is less than mens wage where there is limited waged employment locally even they are doing the same work. For example, men can earn up to 5,000 riels (US$1.25) per day working as casual laborers while women will receive only up to 2,500 riels for the same work. In the poverty assessment shows that this differences wage is because of three reasons. First, there are some jobs that women cannot do well as men. Second, women take more time off during the day. The last reason is that it didnt matter anyway because it all went back in to the household finances (As cited in ADB et al., 2004, p.46). In addition, the rate of womens voice in politics is still low in Cambodia. Even though all men and women are equal in voting, there are still less women who represent in the parliament than men. For instance, there were only 5 percent of women candidates in 1993, and there were only five among of them won the election and joined the national assembly (ADB et al., 2004, p.125). Furthermore, this rate has been increasing very slowly. For example, there were 11.5 percent in 1998 and 12.2 percent in 2003 of women who are elected (ADB et al., 2004, p.125). In addition, the numbers of women participation in each political party are also lower than men. In 2003, only 8 out of 73 seats in Cambodian People Party, 4 out of 26 seats in Funcinpec Party, and 3 out of 24 seats in Sam Rainsy Party were women candidates (ADB et al., 2004, p.126).In short, these data represents that women are given less value than men in Cambodia politics. However, some people state that the gender inequality in Cambodia is shaped by biology. Women are physically born weaker than men so mostly they are responsible for mothering work such as deliver and to look after the babies, and stay at home to do housework while men go out for work and become breadwinner, so men have power to control the family. This point has some merit on the surface. However, pregnant is only a temporary time for women to produce the baby, and this time they can do some house work. Then, after they deliver the baby, they can go out for work as the men do such as a teacher, a doctor, an architecture, etc. In conclusion, according to the four aspects such as family, education, workplace, and politics that have mentioned above, we can analyze that culture is an essential factor that causes the gender inequality between men and women. Women have to do housework and to give birth, so they do not have chance to be educated which becomes the obstacle for them to find a well paid job. Moreover, because of the education of women still in limit, their participant in politic is also in a small number. Actually, it is really hard for women to change their culture without any supporting from men. As a result, in order to motivate people to understand more about gender inequality effectively, both government and non-government organizations need to be strongly facilitated in making policy to encouraging women knowing their right of sharing and making decision. Moreover, he has to develop the laws for violence against women, and provide more motivate girl to be educated, women to join literacy prog ram that can help them to build up their social values, so that it will develop the country because we have enough human resources. Men and women are the two elements which are inseparable from one another. They both are like the left and right hands of a country. Without one of them, a countrys development will be stuck. Moreover, women also should accept the opportunity that provided by the men. Word Counted: 1,284
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ignorance :: essays research papers
Let us commence a journey into the much travelled topic of Ignorance. I find my self constantly drawn back to the subject of Ignorance. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, there are just not enough blues songs written about Ignorance. Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as 'I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole' and 'i'd rather eat wasps' from the over 50, who are yet to grow accustomed to its disombobulating nature. Relax, sit back and gasp as I display the rich tapestries of Ignorance. Social Factors While some scholars have claimed that there is no such thing as society, this is rubbish. When Sir Bernard Chivilary said 'hounds will feast on society' [1] he saw clearly into the human heart. A society without Ignorance is like a society without knowledge, in that it is crunchy on the outside but soft in the middle. Recent thought on Ignorance has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. It grows stonger every day. Economic Factors We no longer live in a world which barters 'I'll give you three cows for that hat, itï ¿ ½,s lovely.' Our existance is a generation which cries 'Hat - $20.' We will study the Simple-Many-Pies model of economics. Housing Prices It goes with out saying that housing prices cannot sustain this instability for long. Many analysts fear a subsequent depression. Political Factors Politics has in some areas been seen to embrace an increasing ananiathesis of intergovernmentalism leading to neo-functionalism. Looking at the spectrum represented by a single political party can be reminiscent of comparing chalk and cheese. In the words of that most brilliant mind Odysseus T. Time 'People in glass houses shouldn't through parties.' [2] I couldn't have put it better my self. When it comes to Ignorance this is clearly true. History tells us that Ignorance will always be a vote winner, whether we like it, or not.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Patton Fuller Financial Statements Essay
Financial statements hold a great deal of information on them and there are many things to consider when reviewing them. A financial statement can be audited or unaudited which vary in expense information. There are effects of revenue sources to consider and businesses have a different revenue every year. They can either be close in dollar amount or could vary significantly. The financial goal to how much revenue a business wants to make should be set in order to plan and control for expenses that the business must pay for in case of emergencies. Financial statements are very detailed and are well informative of the financial status of a business. Audited Versus Unaudited In the Patton-Fuller revenue and expense statement report, the audited or unaudited financial statements vary in their particular expense information. A considerable reduction in the analysis of income is the fundamental procurement of every doubtful account. The distinct term refers to fixed number of accounts receivable that will eventually become bad debt or standardized as unvaluable funds. A statement furnished concerning all third party reports shall always demonstrate the distribution of doubtful accounts noteworthy as an expenditure (Baker & Baker, 2011). Management of the doubtful accounts have a million dollar increase particularly on the audited statement report in comparison to the unaudited report. All the allotments in the calculated amounts vary within the net income and operating income from signifying a profit that undoubtedly shows a loss. An audited balance statement affirms an amount of one million dollars that is reduced in revenue corresponding with the unaudite d report on the present profit listed that relates to patient balance due.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Accounting Environment Essay
Learning Outcomes At the end of this chapter the students should be able to: ?Explain the meaning and purpose of accounting ?Describe the role of accounting as a information system ? Describe why accounting is considered as the language of business ? Assess the impact of external environmental factors on accounting Introduction Accounting has evolved and emerged as most other fields of human activity in response to the social and economic needs of society. Today accounting is moving away from its traditional procedural base, encompassing record keeping and related activities towards the adoption of a role which emphasizes its social importance. In this context, this introductory chapter of the course manual deals with the definition of accounting, use of accounting as an information system and the language of business, users of accounting information and the impact of external environment on accounting. Definition of Accounting The question what is meant by accounting has not been answered precisely. Instead there are many definitions on accounting. Some of these definitions are considered in this section to identify the purpose and functions of accounting. The Committee on Terminology of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) formulated the following definition on accounting in 1941. Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of a financial character, and interpreting the results thereof. This definition of AICPA, USA has been quoted for many years. However, it defines accounting only from the point of view of what it does. Hence, it does not clearly establish the purpose of accounting. On the other hand, the following definition provided by the American Accounting Association (AAA) in 1961 emphasizes the broader perspective of accounting. This definition focuses on accounting as an aid to decision-making. Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of the information. In 1970, AICPA of USA provided the following definition on accounting with reference to the concept of information. The term ‘quantitative information’ used in this definition is wider in scope than financial or economic information used in previous definitions. Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information primarily financial in nature about economic activities that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions. Both definitions of AAA and AICPA show that accounting is considered not merely with record keeping. Instead it involves with a whole range of activities. These two definitions emphasize on using accounting information for decision making purposes. Both internal parties of an organization (e. g. managers) and outside parties (e. g. owners, creditors, government) use accounting information in making decisions that affect the organization. Although these definitions have looked at accounting from different perspectives, they have been able to set the boundary of accounting. They have established the nature of accounting and the purpose for which it is used. Hence, based on these definitions, it can be said that accounting is primarily concerned with the provision of information to various stakeholders of an organization to be used in decision making. Accounting as an Information System AAA definition on accounting implies two phases: (1) identifying and measuring economic information and (2) communicating economic information to users (stakeholders of an organisation) for decision making purposes. These two phases show that accounting acts as an information system in an organisation. The accounting process involves recoding and processing of transactions and events of an entity that had occurred during a specific period of time, and communicating the information relevant to processed transactions and events to aid decision-making of various users of accounting information. As an information system, accounting links an information source or transmitter (preparer/s of information), a channel of communication (financial and other statements/reports) and a set of receivers (users of information/stakeholders of an organization). The Figure 1 shows how accounting functions as an information system in business and economic decisions. In the accounting system, transactions and events are the input and the statements of reports given to decision-makers are the output. Figure 1 Accounting as an Information System in Business and Economic Decisions Data Source: Lal, J. (2005), Corporate Financial Reporting: Theory and Practice, second edition, Taxmann Allied Services (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi. Accounting as the Language of Business Accounting is often called the language of business because it is considered as the main mean of communicating information about a business. This reference to accounting as the language of business is observed by Ijiri (1975) as follows: As the language of business, accounting has many things in common with other languages. The various business activities of a firm are reported in accounting statements using accounting language, just as reported news events are reported in newspapers, in the English Language. To express an event in accounting or in English we must follow certain rules. Without following certain rules diligently, not only does one run the risk of being misunderstood but also risks a penalty for misinterpretation, lying or perjury. Comparability of statements is essential to the effective functioning of a language whether it is in English or in Accounting. At the same time, language has to be flexible to adapt to a changing environment. A language broadly has two components: symbols and rules. In accounting too, these two components are available. In accounting, numerals and words, and debits and credits are accepted symbols and they are unique to the accounting discipline. The rules in accounting refer to the general set of procedures followed in creating financial information for an entity. Anthony and Reece (1991) draw a parallel between accounting and language as follows. Accounting resembles a language in that some of its rules are definite whereas others are not. Accountants differ as to how a given event should be reported, just as grammarians differ as to many matters of sentence structure, punctuation and choice of words. Nevertheless, just as many practices are clearly poor English (language), many practices are definitely poor accounting. Languages evolve and change in response to the changing needs of society, and so does accounting. Users of Accounting Information There is an array of users (or stakeholders) who make use of accounting information for decision making. These user groups include present and otential investors, managers, employees, lenders, suppliers, customers, analysts, media, government, and the general public. However, with the broadening of the accountability of organizations, they are accountable to a large group of stakeholders, some of them not clearly known or identified by the organizations. These users can be broadly categorized as internal and external users of accounting information. The term ‘internal u sers’ refers to parties within an organization that make decisions directly affecting its internal operations and this category usually includes managers and employees of an entity. All other users can be grouped under the term ‘external users’, which refer to parties outside the organization that make decisions concerning their relationship to the organization. These two major classifications of users have led to a distinction between two main areas of accounting: financial accounting and management accounting. The primary concern of financial accounting is to provide information to external user groups. On the other hand, the management accounting is primarily concerned with the provision of information to internal user groups. These users have diverse information needs. However, among these diverse needs too, there are common information needs. The financial statements of an entity that provide information about its financial performance, financial position, and changes in financial position address these information needs common to all users. As these financial statements are prepared to meet the information needs of a cross-section of users, they are known as common-purpose (general-purpose) financial statements. However, these financial statements do not provide all the information that users need to make decisions since they largely portray the financial effects of past transactions and events. The responsibility to prepare and present financial statements lies with the management of an entity. As general-purpose financial statements meet the information needs of users who are unable to command the preparation of financial reports of an entity, the government has imposed regulations to govern these financial statements. These regulations are intended to protect the public interest. External Environmental Factors influencing Accounting The pace and change in external environmental factors have a profound influence on business organizations and the way in which they are managed. These factors could be social, economic, political, legal or technological. Accounting, as the language of business and its information system is also affected by these changes. The changing conditions in the external environment have confronted accounting with a number of challenges that should be recognized, accepted and addressed to ensure its relevance and usefulness. This has made accounting to change and grow over the years to meet social requirements and to guide business and industry requirements. Thus, understanding accounting requires understanding the environment within which accounting operates and which it is intended to reflect. The society has been subjected to political, social, economic and technological change. These changes have resulted in globalization, the rise of informed and selective customers, the development of information technology and etc. These changes in the external environment factors are reflected in business organizations through the shift in business types and cost profiles, increase in strategic decision making and greater emphasis on survival. The changing conditions within business organizations lead accounting to change in order to meet the new requirements resulted from these changes. The areas requiring changes in accounting include selection of data, information processing, dissemination of information, role of accounting standards, assumptions and perspectives of accounting, and uses and impact of accounting information. Thus, today’s rapidly changing environment is forcing accounting to reassess its role and function both within the organization and society. Although challenges imposed by different environmental factors on accounting could be discussed separately, they should be viewed from a holistic perspective. This is because the power of potential improvement lies in the cohesion of the changes rather than in individual items. The changing conditions in the business environment will shape the future for accounting. The environment within which business and accounting function operate has become increasing complex. One of its characteristic features is that many social, economic, political, legal and technological influences that create continual change in that environment and these in turn impact on accounting and its product, accounting information. However, it is sometimes criticized that accounting has not been able to keep pace with this changing conditions in the external environment. Summary This chapter provides an overview of accounting based on its nature and purpose, users of accounting information and impact of external environment on accounting. The primary objective of accounting is to provide information that can be used by the stakeholders of an organization (users of accounting information) in making their decisions. These decisions could have a bearing on the resource allocation process in the country and thereby on the economic growth and development of the country. However, the role and functions of accounting cannot be considered in isolation from the social-political-economic context within which it is operating. The rapidly changing external environment is posing many challenges to accounting and it needs to adapt to these changing conditions. This requires a continual process of renewal and improvement in accounting. References American Accounting Association (1966), A Statement of Basic Accounting Theory, AAA. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) (1941), Review and Resume, Accounting Terminology Bulletin, No. . American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) (1970), Basic Concepts and Accounting Principles underlying Financial Statements of Business Enterprises, Accounting Principles Board Statement No. 4, Anthony, R. N. and Reece, J. S. (1991), Accounting Principles, Richard D Irwin. Ijiri, Y. (1975), Theory of Accounting Measurement, Research Report, No. 10, AAA. Lal, J. (2005), Corporate Financial Report ing: Theory and Practice, second edition, Taxmann Allied Services (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi.
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