Monday, August 24, 2020
The Shirkov Parish free essay sample
. Toward the north West of Tver among The Valdai Hills, which are secured with confferous and deciduous wood, there is a long link offour lakes, shaped from the waterway Volga: the Sterzh, Vseloog, Peno and Volgo. These are the upper scopes of the incomparable Russian River Volga. Until the focal point of the nineteenth centory the stream was non inexhaustible in H2O, yet in 1843 a barrier was worked beneath the present Volgo lake which caused this development of lakes ( The embankment was recon structed in 1943 ) . The Upper Volga is fascinating non just for its pleasant suroundings however close to for its range history. In early ancient occasions predominantly during the Stone Age and the Broze Age this nation was at that point populated by huntsmans and anglers. The antiquated Pinns were the primary occupants of this locale for a long time. From the ninth century the Slav society, Lreeveech lived here, however from the twelfth century onwards the Novgorod Slav people group was the main populace. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Shirkov Parish or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This land has seen a considerable lot of import occasions of our history, for example, inward fights between Princes ; Khan Batu s intrusion ; and the long and willful fight against Lithuanian and Polish encroachers. The most established waies of exchanging stumbled into this locale. The land knew times of blasting each piece great as times of destruction. Nowdays it is a beautiful part perfect for leftover portion and touristry. Numerous old relicts and remembrances of arranged ages have been acceptable protected. One of the most lovely musca volitanss of the Upper Volga is on the Vseloog lake. In old occasions there were settlements and an agnostic sanctuary here. Today one can see the Shirkov Parish. For three centuries it has been remaining in full agreement with the streams, unlimited fore4st an nutrient D enormous skies. Nature and engineering in concordance. The start of the name of grave pace is obscure. The alone Shirkiov ar-chitecture was made by unidentified Masterss. In an old agreement, drawn up by the woodworker s crew, who were to develop the congregation, there was the undermentioned suggestion: Construct a sanctuary as large and wonderful as your faculties order These words show the character of Russian wooden design at its best. The capacity of our ascendants to pick the destinations for their provinces and chapels is other than acceptable known. The wooden Ioan Predtechy church is the most established commemoration in the Shirkon Pa rish. It is viewed as best bit of national wooden design. The best conventions of Russian woodworkers are exemplified in this culinary specialist doeuvre. It is a commonplace s spacimen of magnificence conceived in everyday work and in enduring contact with the field, woods, streams and humble community houses. Creatness and straightforwardness, force and tastefulness go together simultaneously. The Ioan Predtechy church is the most fascinating wooden evaluation church of the tetrehedron on a tetrehedron way. As far back as 1887 it was noticed that with respect to Russian design, the outside of the congregation is unordinary and of incredible association . This way of chapel was well known in previous occasions. In this manner we thought about the existance of comparable places of worship in the Nilowa Stolbenskaya her mitage from the focal point of the seventeenth centory. Orchestrating to the certifecate aggregated by the minister of Shirkov church Illynsky, in respose to a nose tally, offered by the Emperor of the Archeological Comission of the Academy of Arts in 1880s on the balance of the clerge vault ( which unfortunately has non been protected ) , the congregation is dated from 1694.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Porter Essay Example for Free
Watchman Essay Watchmen Five Forces Analysis Threat of New Entry There are numerous organizations assembling and selling office items at an International level. New participants can think that its simple to enter and set up their situation In the market by putting together their methodology with respect to minimal effort. The market offers development chances to new contestants too Indicating low section hindrances for the organizations needing to go into the territory of office items. Along these lines It can be expressed that Staples Inc Is working In an Industry where the danger of new section Is high. Purchaser power The bartering intensity of purchasers Is resolved In an Industry based on the Influence that they can have on the value structure of the results of a firm. If there should be an occurrence of associations fabricating office related items the issue they are confronting is that couple of the items that they are producing are effectively accessible in the market, for example, writing material things. Staples Inc is managing medium associations and fortune 1000 organizations as clients of their items. They have to give these associations a serious value structure or the clients can move to another organization for the flexibly of office things. In any case, the organization additionally has a dvantage that it furnishes them with items that have one of a kind plans and bundling. Thusly it tends to be expressed that Staples Inc is working in an industry where the clients have moderate haggling power. Provider Power There are numerous providers working in the business of office supplies and office related items. The enormous number of providers has brought about low degree of bartering intensity of providers. The organizations that are fabricating the workplace related items can choose the providers that offer them the most reasonable bundle. If there should arise an occurrence of Staples Inc they have solid ties with their providers and are taking dvantage from a system of gracefully parties that keep up the viable progression of crude materials being provided to the organization. Danger of Substitutes There are numerous organizations fabricating office related items and offering them at a lower cost than the cost charged by Staples Inc for their items. This circumstance has brought about moderate degree of danger of substitutes. In the event that If an associations isn't happy with the value structure offered by Staples Inc for their items, It can select different organizations which are fabricating slmllar items and charging less for them. Danger of Competitors The Industry wherein Staples Inc Is working In, It has numerous little and huge scope organizations. In this manner the Industry has an elevated level of danger of contenders. Staples Inc Is managing contenders, for example, Office Depot Inc ; OfficeMax Inc (Staples Inc TOP contenders, 2011). PESTEL Analysis Political Factors The political unsettling influence in US or in different nations of the world disturbs the flexibly and assembling procedure of Staples Inc. Other political calculates, for example, changes tne rules ana pollcles created Dy OITTerent governments 0T tne world In wnlcn Staples Inc has its stores likewise affect the gainfulness of the association. Monetary Factors Financial state of a nation has an impact on the cost and acquisition of the crude material, assembling of the quantity of items and purchasing conduct of the individuals. Staples Inc additionally confronted issues because of worldwide budgetary emergency. Abelson (2008) has announced that because of the monetary emergency, Staples Inc needed to make strides, for example, diminishing the pace of capital speculation for assembling of specific items which were confronting low interest because of downturn. One of the items that were ompromised on during monetary downturn was office furniture, as the deals of these items had declined and clients were dodging the acquisition of these things. Social Factors Many associations around the globe have been attempting to get switches in their set up and to take an interest in exercises that are an impression of corporate social obligation. Staples Inc has likewise been concentrating on taking an interest in network building exercises to make a positive picture in the psyche of the customers. Staples Inc has been attempting to partake during the time spent network advancement by giving unds to social causes and advantage of the individuals (What is Staples Soul, 2010). Mechanical Factors Staples Inc is a provider of PC related items and furthermore offers after deals administrations identified with these items to the associations that are their clients. Innovative changes and headways empower the organization to acquire essential alterations and give its clients the most recent variant of the PC and its related extras. Mechanical components significantly affect the creation of Staples Inc as they can grow new item plans as well as evelop minimal effort producing implies. Natural Factors Many associations around the globe have been required to adjust their business forms top meet the strategies created by the legislatures and ecological assurance organizations. As expressed by the yearly report of the organization, the Race to the Top methodology applied by the administration of the organization is an impression of the endeavors they have been placing in to get a serious situation in the market through viable strategic policies and condition amicable items (Staples, Inc Annual Report, 2010). Legitimate Factors Staples Inc is at present managing lawful issues identified with the claims documented by its workers with the case that the association has been enjoying unjustifiable strategic policies. For example the organization needed to deal with the case in which case was made that it was not paying the laborers with after some time charges (Lawsuits: Staples Inc, 2007). Alongside that the organization has likewise been managing the patent issues. These issues not just depict a negative picture of the organization before people in general yet in addition require capital venture by the organization.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Getting Parents Involved
Getting Parents Involved Encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom year round as an important positive step in improving their child's education. New teachers, who are trying to build solid relationships with parents, will find this resource particularly valuable. Updated on: February 1, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Getting Parents Involved You can use a wide range of projects and activities to getâ€"and keepâ€"parents involved in the affairs of the classroom. Consider some of the following. Reaching Out It's Elementary I used a technique I called “the 2-minute note.†Each morning, I would write a short (two- to four-sentences) note about a positive event or accomplishment for a single student and invite the student to take the note home. I started alphabetically with a student at the top of my grade book and then, each day, selected the next student on my class list until I got to the bottom. Then, I would start again at the top. That way, every student would take home one two-minute note each month. Develop and design a series of orientation programs for parents new to the school or district. It would be valuable to develop a slide program, a series of brochures, family guides, or other appropriate orientation materials to assist new families in learning as much as they can ab out your academic program. Work with a group of parents to prepare a notebook of home or community activities for use during vacations. Include games, reading activities, places to visit, and sites to see in the community. Distribute these notebooks to all families prior to a vacation period, especially summer. Send parents a periodic newsletter updating them on classroom activities and projects. Make a regular effort to communicate with parents through brief phone calls or short notes. Don't use the telephone to always relay bad news, but use it to celebrate academic accomplishments, too. Call one parent each week to relay some good news about what his or her child is doing. Sharing Resources Periodically provide parents with lists of recommended children's literature. Work with the school librarian in distributing lists such as “The Principal's Top Ten Hits†throughout the year. Consider disseminating a list of books on child-rearing practices. If possible, plan a few share-an d-discuss sessions with groups of parents to talk over selected books. Provide parents with a calendar of upcoming classroom events. Many schools and districts send out a periodic newsletter; consider one specifically for your classroom. Include information on books you will read in the coming weeks, field trips, science projects, videos you will see, guest speakers, etc. Publish this on a frequent basis, and distribute it to all families. Raise Your Hand: “Do I Have Any Volunteers?†Expert Opinion Use the telephone as an instrument of good news. Often parents associate the telephone as something used to convey bad news (missed homework, tardiness, behavior problem). Call parents frequently to convey good news about a youngster's academic progress or to thank them for their help on a project. Recruit classroom volunteers. Use the telephone, informal surveys, questionnaires, and face-to-face contacts to solicit parent volunteers. Schedule a special orientation meeting providing potential volunteers with a set of responsibilities and expectations. Allow parents to observe the actual skills you would like them to perform, including marking papers, creating art materials, arranging field trips, supervising small-group work, carrying out remedial tasks, creating bulletin boards, or duplicating classroom materials. Be sure to create a support system for parent volunteers. They need to feel that they are working under a trained professional. Plan frequent round-table conferences. Be sure all volunteers have an information packet of school schedules, school and classroom rules, a map of the school, procedures for student absences and tardiness, discipline procedures, dress code, etc.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Little Do They Know The World Of Advertising - 3080 Words
Little Do They Know: The World of Advertising Art 1A Visual Literacy Vanessa W 1:00 Nicholas A Zahn University of California, Santa Barbara While the world of advertising has been responsible for creating trends and impacting culture on a monumental level, the constant manipulation and force-feeding tactics behind these agencies has created a capitalist monster that is detrimental to society. Praying on the emotions of citizens, the rent-seekers have created a mentality valuing excess over humility. The food and beverage industries, alcohol in particular, utilize trendy and enjoyable advertising techniques, giving their audience a moment to escape to a better life through their specific brand. On the other hand non†¦show more content†¦Print advertisements are the basis for the commercial branding that they use on televisions, and one can see the underlying intentions that hold high cultural ties in most of their ads. In a 2008 Jose Cuervo advertisement, what leaps out to the audience is the strategic color contrast between the image in the background, and the product itself, that seemingly shines like an aca demy award. The black and white image of a man holding up a woman in her bathing suit while both intimately having a good time creates the emotional appeal for the audience, while having in bold print â€Å"LIVE YOUR DAYDREAMS†across the middle of the artwork. This gets into the audience’s mind, because what every human is naturally forced to desire is sex, and intimacy, which is shown in this ad to be possible through the fun times of drinking â€Å"Jose Cuervo Especial†. The bottle shines in gold, and captures the attention of the receivers, while creating a relationship between Jose Cuervo tequila and â€Å"sex, intimacy, fun, and happiness†that the audience will take with them, long after they’ve seen the ad. In terms of intersexuality, the advertisement’s literal meaning is â€Å"live your day dreams†, whatever they may be, but is implying that Jose Cuervo will give you the power to live your day dreams. The dream that is bei ng implied is â€Å"love,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literary Analysis of Brave New World Essay - 1797 Words
Literary analysis of â€Å"Brave New World.†In the Sci-fi futuristic novel â€Å"Brave New World†, published in 1932, Aldous Huxley introduces the idea of the utopian society, achieved through technological advancement in biology and chemistry, such as cloning and the use of controlled substances. In his novel, the government succeeds in attaining stability using extreme forms of control, such as sleep teaching, known as conditioning, antidepressant drugs – soma and a strict social caste system. This paper will analyze the relevance of control of society versus individual freedom and happiness to our society through examining how Huxley uses character development and conflict. In the â€Å"Brave New World†, Control of society is used to enforce†¦show more content†¦When one reflects on the period during which Huxley’s novel was written and the modern world of his time, the comparison to the socialist world cannot be ignored. The whole idea of a utopia is very similar to socialism. The World State society is under the complete control of the government. Pre-destination department chooses what people will learn, what they will do and how they will look. Each caste wears a different color clothes and does different type of labor. None of these decisions are made by people themselves. In our society, even with the socialism, where government decides what products to produce, in what quantities, and how people will live, people still have a choice and opportunity to be different. Stability and individuality in utopia are reached by taking away the individuality from people. In the World State government controls desires and consumption by creating and destroying the demand for certain objects through the psychological training of infants. Our society is more regulated than controlled by the government. We consciously vote for the government officials in hope for new regulations that would make our lives better. There are laws that are meant to prevent people in our society from harmful actions. We might not do certain things in fear of being arrested, but in the utopia people do not even think about those things simply, because they areShow MoreRelatedBrave New World Literary Analysis1449 Words  | 6 PagesIn the novel, Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley, the author uses many literary elements to explore the issue of humans being dictated into a new world and different society in which they are taught that immoral and wrong things that are not okay in today’s society are praised upon in this new society. Huxley uses many different themes and literary elements throughout this novel to explore the many issues happening during this time of society. Throughout the novel Huxley uses a theme of brainwashingRead MoreBrave New World Literary Analysis845 Words  | 4 PagesIn Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses vivid imagery, metaphors, and other literary devices to show that the government becoming corrupt under all of the facades they put out. He separates the government corruption into two categories; political and social. In Brave New World Huxley brings out the social and political issues he sees in the government by using satire and literary devices in his works. In Brave New World the â€Å"people†of the society rely on drugs, sex, and brainwashing to keep peaceRead MoreBrave New World Literary Analysis1538 Words  | 7 PagesBrave New World In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930’s to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence, segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his society looks like during the 1930’s. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal to the world because there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. SomeRead MoreBrave New World- Literary Analysis Essay924 Words  | 4 PagesA look into Brave New World Many times there is an underlying topic to a novel and what it truly means. For Brave New World, there are many underlying ideas as to the makeup of Aldous Huxley’s novel. For example, themes like science, sex, power, freedom and confinement, drugs and alcohol, society and class, and dissatisfaction as different themes that Huxley produces in the novel. Also there could be many symbols in the novel including, bottles and Ford. Not only are these themes and symbols throughoutRead MoreLiterary Criticism Of Feminist Criticism1145 Words  | 5 PagesTask 2 - Literary Criticism A. Summary of Literary Criticism: Feminist criticism is a literary criticism that is grounded upon the feminist theory, or by the politics of feminism. This analysis can be applied through feminist principles and gender equality to critique the language and structure of literature. Basic methods of feminist criticism include identifying with female characters and reevaluating the world in which literary works are read. B. Answers to bulleted questions: †¢ How is the relationshipRead MoreManipulated Free Will Essay1372 Words  | 6 PagesIn both Brave New World and The Truman Show it shows the negative effects this type of society can cause. In both the novel and film it shows how drug or substance abuse must be enforced to pacify and conditioning are used a means to control the subject or subjects but only lead to physical or mental deterioration of the subjects. Before I began to break down the points I will give you a brief overview of both the novel Brave New World and the film The Truman Show below. Brave New World ThisRead MoreThe Novel Brave New World 1346 Words  | 6 PagesTitle In the beginning of the novel, the title Brave New World was an optimistic phrase, first used by John the Savage to declare what a wondrous new world he had discovered in the World State. â€Å"‘O brave new world,’ he repeated. ‘O brave new world that has such people in it.’†(Huxley 130) As the novel progresses, the atmosphere accompanying that phrase gets heavier and heavier, when finally on page 190, the phrase is used mockingly; â€Å"‘O brave new world†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ In his mind the singing words seemed to changeRead MoreThe Death of John Savage in Brave New World2197 Words  | 9 Pagessociety. The final result was the destruction of their perspective visionary worlds. There was one major facet that prevented these two from creating their paradigms: utopias take away individual freedom and identity and therefore society cannot exist. Aldous Huxley’s science fiction novel Brave New World examines the large disconnect between the future and present day societies, showing how several aspects of this dystopian world lead to the downfall of the individual identity, most prominently exemplifiedRead MoreA Lexical Pragmatic Analysis of Proverbs in Femi Osofisan’s Midnight Hotel.1504 Words  | 7 PagesWhile a literary scholar would see this as metaphorical, Wilson and Carston believe that the above sentence is a case of the use of an ad hoc constituent-lion- that if modulated the meaning becomes clear: lion = a four legged carnivore lion* = the king of all animals; ferocious and brave If this sense of lion* is transferred to the sentence, one would understand that the speaker means any of the followings: a) The boy is the leader of his peers b) The boy is ferocious c) The boy is brave Ad hocRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1756 Words  | 7 PagesAldous Huxley is best known for his novel Brave New World, which depicts a post-industrial revolution utopia. Huxley greatly feared the ramifications to an industrialized world run by consumer capitalism, which is displayed in Brave New World. The government within the novel focuses solely on the bettering of technology and not scientific exploration and experimentation. The society’s values lie in instant gratification and constant happiness. The utopia is maintained through the means of drugs,
Arts and the Creative Process Free Essays
The main forms of expression in the arts are painting, music, theater and dance. Art disciplines have been in existence from the beginning of time. Man has an instinctive need to express himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Arts and the Creative Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thus, this was manifested in wall paintings in Egypt, silk paintings in the Asian communities, Greek sculptures in European cities among other artifacts. Dance The first dance is salsa. The primary element in this dance is weight change. The dancer shifts his or her weight without affecting the upper body. Only the lower body moves to the music. This is normally a partner dance. It is often performed by a man and a woman. The pace of the dance varies with the drummer’s beats. It can be very fast or moderately slow. The movements in this style are fluid since it was originally borrowed from several other influences (Cooper, 2001). The second is the Waltz. This dance was conceptualized in the 18th century in Eastern Europe. It is a ballroom dance, where the dancer glides gracefully across the room with a partner. The basic steps are relatively easy to learn. The partners hold each other close while dancing. There is a leader, the man, who shows the follower, the woman, the next step. The third is tap dance. Here, the performer wears specially made shoes that produce a clear tapping sound when they hit the floor. The tap sounds must vary to create a different resonance with each step (Dolfsma, 2004). The performer must balance his or her weight on the balls of their feet. The feet are used to produce rhythmic sounds. The final dance is the break dance. This was primarily a street dance. The style integrates suppleness and style. The breaker’s upper body must be very sturdy. The head and hands are most utilized in this dance. Music The first genre of music is pop. This is the popular music at any one time. The performers can vary in number. The songs have a melodic chorus that is easy to remember. However, the songs are arranged in the traditional structure. The second is Rock and Roll. Guitars are the main instruments played here. The music has gained massive popular appeal over the years (Dolfsma, 2004). It is truly motivated by Blues music. There are two types, soft and hard rock. The third type is Gospel music. It is sung to express faith in Christianity. It is a substitute to conventional music in the secular realm. It is expressed in all other genres. The main theme is giving praise to God. The final genre is neo-soul. It is a fairly recent form of harmony. This music is very poetic. The themes of the songs are usually socially conscious. This music is a combination of jazz and hip-hop. How to cite Arts and the Creative Process, Essays
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The issue of religion and public life
Introduction The issue of religion and public life is the recent public policy issue being focused by the media. The issue of religion and public life is among the highly debated controversial issues currently in America with regards to the role of religion and faith in the society. Religion and Faith Pew Forum attempt to create knowledge and understanding of the controversies of public life and religion interaction in American society.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The issue of religion and public life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Pew Forum seeks to gather information from majority of the public concerning the interaction between the religious people and the general public, disseminating the information to provide a neutral ground for agreement. The Pew Forum is a non-advocacy firm that takes no stand on public policy issues of concern, as it seeks to collect and share information of the trend s, issues and behaviors that shape the world and particularly America as a society. The public policy issues are of concern to the research organizations that help in delivering impartial and timely findings to the society’s political leaders, scholars, media personalities and groups of public interest. Public policy issues of research concerning religion and faith include controversies between the religious organizations and the government; religious influence on politics; public debates on issues such as gay marriage and abortion; and the role of religion in global affairs. Controversies between the church and the government encompass issues such as recent issue of the pledge of allegiance and the Supreme Court issue regarding the Ten Commandments (Cohn-Sherbok and McLellan, 1992, p.1). Scope of the Public Policy Issue Bioethics Innovations in biomedical research industry that have been researched by Pew Forum include the embryonic stem cell and human cloning. This has been a major issue of controversy between the religious organizations and the public.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Medical and science innovations have impacted widely on the health and lives of human beings, which have been criticized by religious people. The research of bioethics focuses on human values such as life technology and responsibility of society towards human life and health. Capital Punishment Religious organizations have for a long period of time strived to fight against death penalty as a means achieving justice to offences in the society. It has become a public policy issue of concern that has consistently inflamed debates between the state and religious organizations with regards to capital punishment. Moreover, religious organizations have gathered and shared information to heir members and the general public about the issue of human dignity, justic e and right to life. Gay Marriage Religion and Public Life have differed on the issue of gay marriage in the society. The public policy issue of civil union and gay marriage has been widely debated upon by the American religious organizations that have remained highly divided. The religious organization remain highly divided on controversial issues such as the ordination of gay clergy and the federal constitutional amendment that bans same sex marriage. Research organizations have developed a lot of information in opposition of the law amendments that legalize gay marriage. According to religious forums, information collected and shared shows that religious affiliations are against same sex marriage. However, public attitudes and religious affiliations vary in different countries but proposals by religious organizations oppose gay marriages. Their proposals deliver impartial information that is timely to the state, local leaders and the government (Babst, Gill and Pierceson, 2009, p .51) Religion and politics Religion and politics have been on opposing sides concerning societal issues of integrity and ethics. The long standing traditions of America believe in religious liberty where all members of the society have the freedom to express their religious beliefs and that all faiths have their liberty (Lester, 2011, p.99).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The issue of religion and public life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Religion and public Schools The public policy issue of Religion and faith in schools is also a big issue of concern among school administrators, parents and the public at large. Expression of religious beliefs and faith is put into consideration in public schools, for instance, the origin of humankind as taught in the school curriculum contradicts sharply with the religious teachings as to the origin of humankind. Religion and public life has brought about the Pew Forum discussions concerning how and where religious activities are conducted within the schools. Religion and Social Welfare Social welfare is a concern of many organizations such as the government, religious organizations and non-governmental human service providers. These organizations are deeply divided because of the issue of religion and faith in provision of social welfare services. The role of religion and faith in provision of social welfare services that are federally funded was examined by the Pew Forum, as it had become an issue of controversy between the state and religious organizations. Religion and the Law There have been long standing judicial battles concerning religion and public life policies such as placement of the monument of the Ten Commandments on the property of public, religious schools that are funded by the government, and the school prayer. There was an amendment incorporated with regards to states giving freedom of religion to the public according to h ow the federal government has guaranteed religious liberty. Many governments have made constitutional amendments to guarantee freedom of religion, though legal consequences of religious liberty vary between states due to cultural differences. Religious communities that were established and have been in operation for a long time are protected by the law that guarantees freedom of religion. Moreover, the clause gives every member the right to abandon, mix and convert from one religion to another freely.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Religion and world Affairs Religion plays a vital role in the affairs of world societies and the local nation affairs. The Pew Forum on the issues concerning Religion and Public Life have collected and shared information that outlines the importance of the role played by religious organizations in local governance politics. Religion not only plays its role within the local government, but also in the international environment on issues concerning interstate conflicts and world terrorism. Stake Holders of the Public Policy Issues Religion and public life policy issue has a number of stakeholders and affected constituencies, which are categorized into primary and secondary stakeholders. Stakeholder and affected constituencies are further categorized into supervisory and implementing agencies, which include the government and taxpayers. Other public policy beneficiaries are also stakeholders in the case where these other policies have effects on the religion and public life policy. Pri mary stakeholders of religion and public life policy are the beneficiaries such as individuals, families and communities. Secondary stakeholders are intermediaries of the policy, which include advocacy and monitoring organizations that benefit indirectly from the public policy. There is a wide range of individuals and organizations that have been categorized as stakeholders of the public policy, but the extent to which they influence policy making process and the extent to which the policy affects them varies. The secondary stakeholders such as religious institutions need to represent the affected constituents and the beneficiaries in advocating for the amendment and creation of the policies. The religious organizations have a duty to ensure success of policy amendments and creation through contribution of resources such as financial assistance, as well as human resource and technical assistance. Apart from classification of public policy stakeholders into primary and secondary stak eholders, there are five categories of stakeholders, which include social stakeholders, policy makers, policy experts, the public and the civil society representatives. Public policy experts includes both the international and the local legal experts who advice policy makers (Sharma and Starik, 2004, p.8). The level of the public policy issue matters as the number and the kind of stakeholders involved. The departments of government and their agencies are in charge of the creation and the implementation of public policies. The government agencies and departments are represented by individuals such as the government ministers, the attorney general, mayors and the president who represents the executive. Individuals within the administration dockets may include the civil servants in general and the senior most management representatives in the government ministries. These administrative persons help in the process of policy making. The representatives also include the civil servants in the government ministries and the institutions that are responsible for gathering and monitoring information that assist in policy evaluation and reporting. Members legislative house are elected democratically by members of public who have voting rights and are stakeholders in the public policy decision-making process. The members of parliament also play an important role in policy implementation since they also have the ability to exercise control over the government financial budget and planning. Social partners are also considered as stakeholders in public policy, since they play an advisory role and in some cases, are also part of the process of decision making. A good example of public policy social partners is the European Economic and Social committee. Other social partners are the media, the general public and the legal policy experts. Public Policy Issue Political Institutions Political institutions relevant to religion and public life policy issues include recognized polit ical parties and judicial courts. Political institutions operate under a particular structure of governance, rules and procedures such accountability and transparent governance with members rights to vote. Political Parties and religion are considered to have a strong influence on the society, as it has the ability to influence people’s life all over the world. The world religions are diverse and have been long standing in the societies as compared to political parties, which began long after religions had established in the society. In addition to that, religions are proved to be deep rooted in the society, with a significantly huge percentage of the population being obsessed with beliefs of their religions. A good number of political parties use religion as a means to reaching people and consequently using it to brainwash people so as to clear the way for achieving their political ambitions. These political ambitions do not benefit the population in most cases, since politi cal parties use religion to drive their way into self gain. Political pluralism, religious indiscrimination and freedom of speech are concepts that are being used and highlighted by the society so as to gain democracy that gives all citizens the rights to use government facilities provided for public use. These democratic concepts also seek to give citizens the right to oppose governance malpractices through unions so as to protect the interests of people. However, political parties have applied concepts such as utilitarianism to enable gain their own selfish interests. The concept of utilitarianism is applicable where the decision to which and how policies are made depend on the target of attaining happiness and satisfaction to the highest percentage of the population as opposed to attainment of self interests that represent the smallest number of people. The role played by religion and political parties is significant to the lives of the citizens. Public policy issue concerns the role of political parties that govern a country under a specific religion yet the population it represents is made up of a variety of religions. This concern seeks to highlight the force of political parties that are against the democracy of a country. The democratic environment can only be attained where people have a right to choose the religion with which they base their lives and not political parties influencing the whole population under one religion. Political parties need to eliminate religious consideration under their functionality in a country’s political leadership. Religion and political parties have their associations in the society that benefit their influence and power among the people through aspects such as civil rights, anti-terrorism measures and interstate war prevention. Moreover, political parties depend on acceptance, opinions and personal values of the public which are influenced by religion (Arjomand, 1993, p.114). Proposed Policies to Address Religi on and Public Life Issue The public policy issue on religion and faith has lead to advocacy organizations proposing a number of policies that address religion and public life issue. There has been public concern that schools have been excluding religious influences in their activities although currently, the public education officials are aiming to find a solution to the issue to enable religious expressions to be included in public schools. The society was generally founded on the aspect of freedom of religion where public education curriculum is inclusive of the religious ideas facilitated by the stability of a nation. This policy proposal seeks to not only include religious expressions in public education, but also to offer Bible history and literature. Moreover, the public policy proposal states that graduating student congregation has the option of having prayers at their ceremony or not. The speeches of the graduation ceremony are not going to be regulated by religious content and distributions of materials that are religiously allowed (Marzilli, 2004, p7-9). With respect to school employees, the public policy proposal states that instructors and teachers have the right to answer or not to answer questions concerning personal religion and faith issues. However, they have a mandate to maintain a neutral stand in matters concerning religious issues. People anticipate that future policies will at no point act as a way of forcing a particular religion on schools but would assist in giving teachers freedom to choose what to talk and what not to with regards to religion. In many cases, teachers opt never to address issues of religion and faith due to the fear of lawsuits. The importance of proposed public policy to address the issue of religion and public life is to enhance agreements between the community and schools about religion and faith, to eradicate discrimination of private religious expression, to educate on evils of indoctrinating religious faith and come up with an environment of academic liberty in issues concerning religion and faith. These liberties facilitate expression of religion and faith by students and employees in line with the law. The public policy proposal advocates for a neutral ground for religion and faith in schools although the proposal is still subject to discussion between the schools board and the general public. Conclusion The association of the State and the Church is said to be an institutional means of politics relation with religion. The issue that arises between the church and the public has been an issue of concern in the Western nations and the Christian religion. This has been the case not only due to the secular reasons of the west, which advocates for limitation powers of religious authorities, but also because of long time origins during the introduction of distinct rival institutions of the Church and State. The rivalry between the state and the church was based on their claims of power and ab ility to enforce the law. An example of authoritative and law enforcement rivalry is the rivalry in Europe between the Emperor and the Pope during the fourteenth century ages. Like the European rivalry in the fourteenth century, the Western Society has experienced state and church rivalry for a long period of time. In the modern Western Society, separation of the two has been advocated in a way that the church and the state have no conflicting interest. However, suspicion remains dominant in the case of Catholic politicians in Protestant nations. The public has a consideration of the religious rights and freedoms being mere privileges, since the justice system does not recognize these rights in case of law breakers. The prisons laws with regards to religious rights and freedom are considered by the public as a hoax that brings about more problems to the public. Nevertheless, public policy issue on religion and public life is considered by both the state government and the federal go vernment as one-faced. References Arjomand, S.A. (1993). The Political Dimensions of religion. NY: SUNY Press. Babst, G.A., Gill, E.R. and Pierceson, J. (2009). Moral Argument, religion and same sex marriage, advancing the public good. NY: Rowman Littlefield. Cohn-Sherbok, D. and McLellan, D. (1992). Religion in Public Life. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Lester, E. (2011). Teaching about Religion: A Democratic Approach for Public Schools. MI: University of Michigan Press. Marzilli, A. (2004). Religion in public schools. NY: Infobase Publishing. Sharma, S. and Starik, M. (2004). Stakeholders, the environment and society. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. This research paper on The issue of religion and public life was written and submitted by user Cayden Nolan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Racism in America essays
Racism in America essays If someone asked you what it would be like to live in a perfect world, how would you reply? Many people might say something like, A place without and arguments or fighting. Others might say A place where there is not pollution. But, has anyone one ever thought to say, A place without racism.? For some Americans, racism has never even crossed their minds. For others, it is something they have to live with everyday. In some societies in America, racism isnt even a factor, all citizens of the community get along. But, in other societies, racism is a case that could be life threatening. Racism, in definition, is the belief that humanity is divided into stratified genetically different socks called races; according to its adherents racial differences make one group superior to another. (Ethics; Walker, Randolph Meade, 722) If you are a racist, you believe in racism. Racists will often claim that members of their own race or minority are mentally, physically, morally and/or culturally superior to those of other races. (The World Book Encyclopedia; Pettigrew, Thomas F., 62) For these reasons, many racists think they deserve special rights or privileges. The Bill of Rights was written a little under 200 years ago, yet controlling racism in America is still a task no one can seem to over take. In South Carolina, a Confederate flag still waves high over the capitol for everyone to see. Is the kind of example we want to set for the youth of America? To people in Europe, Asia, and on other continents, America is a wonderful place to live. It has been said to be one of the greatest nations on earth. (Nova; Marshall, Christopher) Yet, our struggle to regulate all of our citizens is a revolutionary war that has yet to and probably will never be Slavery is said to be one of the greatest racial tragedi...
Monday, March 2, 2020
8 Reasons Why Chemical Reactions Are Important
8 Reasons Why Chemical Reactions Are Important Chemical reactions are the most important types of events in the universe. Its through chemical reactions that plants grow, produce fruit, and become compost for new plants. Its because of chemical reactions that human beings (and all other animals) reproduce, digest, grow, heal, and think. But what exactly are chemical reactions? Why are they so important? What Chemical Reactions Are Elements are the basic substances that make up matter in the universe. Each element is a chemical. Elements that form bonds are called molecules. An oxygen molecule, for example, has two oxygen atoms. Chemical reactions occur when molecules interact and change. Bonds between atoms in molecules break and are reformed in new ways. Chemical reactions are at the heart of literally every biological process in the universe. Stars form because of chemical reactions; our sun ignited because of chemical reactions in its core. Life developed on Earth as a result of chemical reactions. The circle of life is, at its heart, a series of chemical reactions. Even our ability to think and move is a result of chemical reactions that occur in our bodies. 8 Reasons Why Chemical Reactions Are Important Chemical reactions are the reason we exist on the Earth, and, of course, they are the reason we are able to ask questions. In addition: Chemical reactions are how new forms of matter are made. While nuclear reactions also may produce new matter, nearly all the substances you encounter in daily life are the result of chemical changes.Chemical reactions help us understand the properties of matter. By studying the way a sample interacts with other matter, we can learn its chemical properties. These properties can be used to identify an unknown specimen or to predict how different types of matter might react with each other.By observing chemical reactions, we are able to understand and explain how the natural world works. Chemical reactions turn food into fuel for your body, make fireworks explode, cause food to change when it is cooked, make soap remove grime, and much more.Exciting and entertaining chemical reactions pique interest in science. These types of demonstrations encourage people to ask questions and may lead them into science-related careers.Chemical reactions help us to solve crimes and explain mysteries. B y analyzing blood and tissue samples, for example, police are able to identify the perpetrators of crimes. Chemical reactions are also the tools we use to date fossils, analyze ancient materials, and better understand how our ancestors lived. By observing chemical reactions in outer space, we are able to identify and describe other planets. We can even determine which planets and moons are likely to be able to sustain life.Fire, the most important discovery made by human beings, is simply a chemical reaction.Without chemical reactions, nothing would ever change. Atoms would stay atoms. New molecules wouldnt form. No organisms could live. If matter didnt react with other matter, the universe would be extremely boring!
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Examine the factors which have influenced consumption over the past Essay
Examine the factors which have influenced consumption over the past three years in the UK. Has consumption been let get out of control - Essay Example If compared to the past, the consumption in UK could be characterized as rather increased; however, the whole situation cannot be referred as being out of control. It is rather an expected outcome especially if taking into consideration the development of technology and the changes in the social and cultural ethics across Britain – as a consequence of globalization and the entrance in the country of people with different social and cultural background; more specifically, Britain has become – mainly for professional but also for educational reasons - a favourable destination of people from developing countries but also of those belonging in member states – a phenomenon well developed after the enlargement of European Union. Under these terms, the characteristics of consumption in Britain could be expected to be influenced by many different factors especially the country’s social and cultural ethics while the culture of the people living across the country à ¢â‚¬â€œ this culture can be differentiated as explained above – is another important factor influencing the characteristics of consumption developed across the country. Of course, consumption is a multidimensional social phenomenon; apart from the factors mentioned above other factors – related with the individual’s personal perceptions – can also affect the rate of consumption through the years in a particular region. In UK which is a highly developed country consumption related with a series of social activities (travelling, entertainment, shopping) has been increased the last 3 years following the development of technology but also the improvement of the standard of living in all areas across the country. This increase reflects also the development of the national economy compared to the economies of other countries within the international community. In any case, the rates of consumption across
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Study of The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 02165 Essay
Study of The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 02165 - Essay Example The only condition followed in this case is the investor has to behave in conformity maintaining prescription of portfolio theory. Early practitioners are of opinion that beta is the only explanatory factor, which has the ability to explain cross-sectional variation in the asset prices. Therefore, the CAPM model has successfully examined the predictions, which are made for measuring the risk-return relationship of asset prices (Black, Jensen and Scholes, 1972). Though the model was initially developed by Harry Markowitz, it was later modified by Lintner and Sharpe. The model actually explained that if a particular investor selects a portfolio for a period of time then he/she is said to be risk averse (Black, Jensen and Scholes, 1972). However, the modified version of the model is developed based on the following assumptions: CAPM has gained prominence in corporate finance, but there are many criticisms regarding its validity in the security market. The risk-return relationship is questioned, whether it has the ability to help the investor for making a good investment decision. Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965) had identified the linear relation that exists between return, risk and beta of a stock. Beta is defined as a variable, which aims at explaining cross sectional returns of the stocks. The equation aims at explaining the risk-return relationship of the stocks to a great extent. The beta value is dependent on type of assets (Roll, 1977). It also helps in gauging the volatility of the stock with respect to market risk. The following interpretations can be made from the different value of beta (Solnik, 1974; Lahrech and Sylwester, 2011; Levy and Sarnat, 1970). The above explanations indicates towards the fact that beta can easily establish the risk-return relationship of stocks. Therefore, it can be depicted that the CAPM is a perfect model for evaluating the debt and equity status of a company by examining its risk-rerun relationship of the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Attitudes of Chinese Immigrants in the U.S. :: History
Attitudes of Chinese Immigrants in the U.S. Attitudes about personal interest and career choices are influenced by a person‘s culture and age. â€Å"I want to be a pilot.†â€Å"I want to a lawyer.†Younger generations always decide their interest and what they want to do as their career based on their own benefit. Observing from the past in the U.S., very limited opportunity is offered to the Chinese immigrants. They might consider if they can do it, in stead of if they want to do it or not. Regardless of what education level they possessed most of the Chinese immigrant work as a waiter, waitress or some low paid jobs. However, the Chinese immigrants’ position in U.S. community is changing these years. Chinese immigrants are being appreciable in the U.S. community. As the changes, there were so many conflicts between younger and older generation who are Chinese immigrants after viewing on career choices and personal interest. I am interested in this topic and I have interviewed two people of differe nt generation who both earned a bachelor degree in the U.S. Except generation differences, they have got similar background. I am going to learn more about how different generations view personal interest and career choices. Vincent Kwan, an accountant in California, is a Chinese immigrant who moved to the U.S. with his family since 1971. Sandy Wong, currently a college student in Santa Monica College, immigrated to U.S. with her family since 1995. And her future goal is to be a politician in U.S. I have learned a lot about Chinese immigrants’ views career choices and personal interest. As the position of Chinese and the generation changed, they have different views with these two issues. They were all talkative and willing to share their personal feeling with me. First, Vincent and Sandy have similar views with personal interest. Nowadays, technology and equity is promoted in the world, especially in U.S. Him and Sandy agree that the status of Chinese become greater in America. Vincent grew up in a typical Chinese family, he wish to be a pilot when he was small. However he has banned this idea. The main reasons are because he didn’t have any chances to approach planes and his parents didn’t give him any support on this issue. â€Å"The most important factor of deciding career is the salary. It is because it will help you to achieve a satisfactory life.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Outline and Evaluate One Theory of the Formation of Romantic Relationships (4+8 Marks) Essay
The reward/ need satisfaction theory (RNS) was devised by Byron & Clore (1970) to explain the formation of romantic relationships, based on the principles of behavioral psychology. According to the theory, people form relationships with those who are most rewarding/ satisfying to be with which happens through conditioning. The elements of Skinner’s operant conditioning proposes that we repeat behaviors with positive outcomes (rewards) and avoid those with negative outcomes (punishments). Relationships positively reinforce by our partner satisfying our needs/rewarding us (through love or attention), but negative reinforcement also plays a part in the likelihood of formation as a relationship avoid us feeling lonely which both result in us seeking further contact with them thus forming a relationship. The theory also suggests that we may associate a person with positive feelings due to the even in which they meet; this is called classical conditioning. This form of conditioning involves pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to create a conditioned response, for example being at a party (NS) and feeling happy (UCR), then meeting a person (UCS) and associating this stimuli (now CS)with the happy feelings to create a CR of happiness whenever in their presence and we want to be with the person that makes us most happy, thus forming a relationship. An issue raised surrounding the RNS theory is that it fails to consider free will. It suggests that without rewards a relationship will not form however evidence from modern relationships argues otherwise, for example a rewards and satisfaction is given in one night stands, yet no relationship is formed, plus no association can be made through cyber relationships because the couple have not met, yet a relationship still manages to form. This evidence goes against the theory suggesting that other factors such as similarity, opportunity and our own choices play a role in relationship formation thus proposing the theory is deterministic as well as simplistic. On the contrary, research evidence has supported the RNS, one study conducted by Aron et al (2005). To begin the experiment, participants answered a questionnaire rating how intensely in love they were then they were shown photos of their partner during an MRI scan. It was found that dophamine-rich areas of the brain (area associated with rewards) had higher activity when shown their partner than when shown an image of their friend. These findings show that we form relationships with those who are rewarding. High temporal validity is a strength to this study because it was conducted recently. This means the couples used in the experiment have a higher ability to reflect modern day relationships therefore the findings are more generalisable to modern relationships. Along with that the study is strong physical, empirical evidence because of the use of MRI scans. Brain scans produce reliable, physical, solid evidence therefore have scientific proof for the link between relationships and rewards. The importance of reward level in determining relationship satisfaction was also demonstrated by Carte et al (1982) in which he asked 337 participants to asses their current relationship in terms of reward level and satisfaction and found that reward level was superior to all other factors in determining relationship satisfaction concluding that rewards are a greater factor than any when it comes to relationship formation. However a criticism of these findings is that the reward/need satisfaction theory only explores the receiving of rewards, whereas Hays (1985) found that we gain satisfaction from giving as well as receiving. Most of the research into RNS theory has been conducted in the US with US participants, making it difficult to generalize to different cultures. The theory, as well as the research, has an ethnocentric bias in the fact that it is based on relationships in western cultures, therefore reflect relationships of western societies, but these are very different to other cultures were people may not get a choice in their partner e.g. arranged marriages. Lott (1994) found that women in other cultures focused more on the needs of others than rewards, suggesting that there are differences in the value of rewards which this theory emphasizes so much about. As a result of this cultural bias, the RNS theory is not a universal explanation of relationship formation.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A Brief Note On Crime And Social Media Essay - 947 Words
As time progresses so does crime. With the advancement of technology and the development of various social media websites crime has evolved. At the time the Constitution was written our founding father could not have predicted the chances of crimes being committed via online websites. Because internet crimes are a fairly new phenomenon today’s government is now faced with both interpreting and analyzing the law, as well as determining whether or not certain actions preformed online are in violation of the United State’s law. Elonis v. United States is the result of social media posts by Anthony Douglas Elonis. Under a pseudonym â€Å"Tone Dougie†used on the social media website Facebook, Elonis, after his wife left him, posted self-styled rap lyrics (University). The rap lyrics in questions contained vividly violent language and imagery. Elonis often included disclaimers that the lyrics were fictional, that he had no intention of depicting real personals, and that he was simply exercising his First Amendment rights (University). People that knew Elonis personally saw the posts as threatening; he was subsequently released from his job for the treats made against his coworkers (University). His wife, out of fear for her safety, obtained a state court protection-from-abuse order against him (University). Elonis’ former boss informed the Federal Bureau of Investigations of the posts in question, which lead the agency to monitor his social media activity and eventually arrest himShow MoreRelate dTelevision Viewing And Protective Action Against Crime1639 Words  | 7 PagesProtective Action Against Crime?: A Cultivation Analysis From a Theory of Reasoned Action Perspective. Communication Research, (28), 802nd ser. Doi:10.1177/009365001028006004 2. This Study is for my Dependent Variables 3. 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