Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Oliver Twist Character Analysis - 749 Words
In both passages the characters show a characterasation from them selfs by their diologue for example on the passage Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens showed bravery and In the passage From A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man wriiten by James Joyce shows curiosity. Both characters come from the same place a orphanage so they both show similar characteristics. As the authors both have a similar idea of the passages both of their main characters are different. In the passage Oliver Twist is a small boy living in a orphanage who is suffering and i can infer this because in the passage it states The room in which the boys were fed, was a large stone hall, with a copper at one end: out of which the master, dressed in an†¦show more content†¦Wells turned to the other fellows and said: I say, heres a fellow says he kisses his mother every night before he goes to bed. The other fellows stopped their game and turned around, laughing.I do not. Wells said: I say, heres a fellow says he doesnt kiss his mother before he goes to bed.They all laughed again. Stephen tried to laugh with them. He felt his whole body hot and confused in a moment. What was the right answer to the question? He had given two and still Wells laughed at him. But Wells must know the right answer, for he was an older student. This explains that the character stephen was a very confused boy because all he wanted to do is fit in but all the other boys made fun of him so he had a lot of curiosity. Also it states He drank another cup of hot tea and Fleming said: Whats up? Have you a pain or whats up with you? I dont know, Stephen said. Sick in your breadbasket, Fleming said, because your face looks white. It will go away. Oh, yes, Stephen said. This shows that stephen is not very social by the way he talks he is a very shy person as shown when he responds back to Fleming. So both authors were having the same idea where the setting the characters mood and other aspects of the story. Both characters were living the same glommy lifes but both of their characterization was different. For example in Oliver Twist oliver was brave when he was up for the challenge and going against the food rule and asked for more like the theShow MoreRelatedOliver Twist : The Musical1050 Words  | 5 Pagesimportant to examine the performers and how they affect the overall performance, it is also equally indispensable to look at an in depth analysis of the audience of Oliver Twist: The Musical and how the audience members play a role in the performance as well due to their own experiences and attitudes regarding the selected text. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
English - 1285 Words
Desiree Rielly Professor Guy Pollio 5 December 2012 English 101 What Shapes You? Often times, we rely on the world to we live in to shape us. From mass media, to magazines to commercials, we always find ourselves seeking the next best thing instead of what we already have. The way society shapes us develops each and every one of us because we are persuaded by such advertisements. Robert Scholes of â€Å"On Reading A Video Text†, and Shirley Jackson of â€Å"The Lottery†, show appropriate examples of the world we live in today. Robert Scholes proves how distorted and misconceiving people construe the world through the â€Å"Lottery†, proving his idea of cultural reinforcement. In â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, the small town of†¦show more content†¦They are an active community of which all engage in the same ritual. Although the ritual is unethical, it is safe to say that all types of people in this town work together, creating a similar culture amongst everyone. Also, this particular town creates a cultural body, as re ferred to as Scholes, based on their households. A family in this village consisted of a mother, father, and a couple of children. The mother was the caregiver, cooker and cleaner, the father was the workingman, and the children went to school and came home. The boys would help their fathers with house work involving tools and the girls would learn from their mothers the ways of caregiving and so on. What is so important in Jackson’s story is Tess Hutchinson is reassured, in a sense, that she is apart of this collective body because when she is chosen from the lottery, she becomes rebellious and disagreeing of what the lottery is. It reassures her that she has been engaging in this horrific event every year and has now just realized that she feels the town is corrupt and unfair. The lottery also demonstrates ideological criticism. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Explanatroy Synthesis †Black Hawk War Free Essays
Talha Baig Dr. Amy Larsen English 1302 – UHD March 14, 2013 Explanatory Synthesis: â€Å"The Black Hawk War of 1832†Black Hawk was an Indian war chief who had a following of couple hundred Sauks Indians. Black Hawk and his followers fought against the Americans before the war of 1832 and were strictly against the expansion of Americans into their territory (Tena 2-3). We will write a custom essay sample on Explanatroy Synthesis – Black Hawk War or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Indian war chief was born in Saukenuk and had been living there with his fellow Indians until the Americans came and forced them out of their land. Since Saukenuk was Black Hawk’s hometown, he was determined to hold onto it and was ready to oppose Americans because he saw the Americans as a threat to his culture and land (John 3). His anger and disgrace towards the Americans eventually led to the Black Hawk war along with couple of other factors. The unjust treaty of 1804 was one of the main factors of the War and it made Black Hawk even more concerned about the Americans and the treaty also caused some intertribal rivalries between different Indian tribes but even after that Black Hawk was hoping to avoid a war. It is known that the American soldiers who confronted Black Hawk allegedly fired the first shot, which started the Black Hawk war. The United States Government put forth many treaties to obtain the Land from the Indians but the unjust Treaty of 1804 is known as the main factor that led to the War of 1832. The way the signing of the this Treaty took place was very unlawful because most of the Indians who signed it were not really main authority holders of the Indian tribes and the signing of the treaty proceeded even though there were many Indians who were not ready to sell their lands over to the Americans (John 1). Some of the Indians did not even fully understood the conditions of the treaty and the worst part of this treaty was that it gave the land of the Saukenuk village over to the Americans, which made Black Hawk furious and bitter (Tena 3). Since even Black Hawk, who was a major Indian chief did not have the complete knowledge about the extent of the Treaty, it proves that the Treaty of 1804 was unlawful and unjust. After the Treaty of 1804, Black and other Sauks became extremely bitter and enraged towards the Americans. The Treaty also ended up causing some intertribal rivalries between the indian tribes. Black Hawk and his followers were not willing to accept the terms of the treaty of 1804 and wanted to resist the American ways but on the other hand some Indian tribes feared that they would stand no chance against the Americans and did what they were told by the Americans, which became the cause of tension between the Indians (John 2-3). One of the leaders who held a different point of view from Black Hawk was Keokuk, who was also the leader of Sauks indians and he had no intentions of resisting against the Americans ( Jane 4 ). The different point of views of the Indian tribes and the intertribal rivalries that the Treaty of 1804 stirred up caused Black hawk and his followers to go on a different path, which was to try and move back to the land where they all originally started from. That land was Illinois and the Americans had begin settling there. Black Hawk and his followers tried several times to retake their hometown but could not succeed and were attacked by the Americans, which led to the conflict known as the Black Hawk war. The Indian chief with his couple hundred followers decided to resist against the Americans and tried going back to where they started from, with the purpose of settling there (Jane 4). However, Black Hawk was still hoping to avoid getting into a war with the americans but in the end it was inevitable. The Americans always thought of the native Indians as savages, who killed a lot of Americans in the past. So when Black Hawk and his people were crossing the Mississippi River, they were attacked by the American soldiers and the Indians ultimately lost (Arnold 1). It is known that the Americans allegedly attacked and fired on the Indians first, which resulted in the Black Hawk war of 1832 and the capture of the Indian Chief; Black Hawk by the Americans. The road to the Black Hawk war of 1832 was paved by the unlawful treaty of 1804, which not just enraged Black Hawk but also caused a lot of intertribal rivalries between the Indians and further more the unjust actions of American soldiers brought upon the downfall of Black Hawk (Tena). One can easily blame the treaty of 1804 for ultimately dividing the indians and for their bitterness towards the United States government, since Black Hawk was just trying to protect the land and the culture of his people (John 3-4). Word Cited Tena L. Helton. â€Å"What the White â€Å"Squaws†Want from Black Hawk: Gendering the FanCelebrity Relationship. †The American Indian Quarterly 34. 4 (2010): 498-520. Project MUSE. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. Arnold Krupat. Patterson’s Life; Black Hawk’s Story; Native American Elegy. †American Literary History 22. 3 (2010): 527-552. Project MUSE. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. John K. Flanagan. â€Å"The Treaty of St. Louis and Black Hawk’s Bitterness. †21 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 405. (2001 ): 2553 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. Jane Simonsen. â€Å"Descendants of Black Hawk: Generations of Identity in Sauk Portraits. †American Quarterly 63. 2 (2011): 301-335. Project MUSE. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. How to cite Explanatroy Synthesis – Black Hawk War, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Ragtime Music and Cakewalk Dance free essay sample
The nineteenth century was brought by a great emergence of music that would change history. In the late sasss a change in rhythm evolved in playing piano music. Ragtime piano was introduced as a new popular way to play the piano fast and shallow. The measures were used to sixteen beats Just like European counterparts although the music was said to be the afro-American version of the polka. In this thought the stereotype is drawn as ragtime being associated with African American people. Based on the beats in the music which produced a souse style march, gating became the melody used to perform the cakewalk dance.In this article the description of the cake walk is an Afro-American dance initially based on an elegant, stylized parody of southern white courtly manners, the dance is stereotyped as being made for one group of people, and that being African Americans. The first African American composer to produce ragtime music was Tom Turnip which also brought along singers to become the voice of this musical form of ragtime. We will write a custom essay sample on Ragtime Music and Cakewalk Dance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Following the sensation of this music, the cakewalk was always performed which then opened Ross for other types of dances and songs later known as Jazz.The article Cake Walk, Shimmy, and the Charleston the descriptions emphasis how dances performed by African American women brought unity among white and black audiences. Dancers were referred to as Babylon girls who expressed a positive way in which African American women were being recognized for their gender and race. They expressed themselves In these musical forms to show black freedom and feel a part of popular music. The stereotype made In this article was based upon the sexuality resented In the cakewalk dance by African American women.Many described them as to be sexually frank and opinionated, to be figures of Independence. In reality the African American women were Just a generation removed from slavery In which they had to deal with stereotypes from both from white people about their sexuality and black people about black repression for respectability. Dancing Just allowed them to celebrate their freedom and express themselves freely. This era of dancing and music In the late sasss and early sasss helped bring European styled music axed with African American rhythm to beginning the Jazz era to come. The picture on the sheet music doesnt show any negative criticism. In the Imagery women and men are dressed very nicely with tall top hats and long dresses. Perhaps the women are dressed more conservative than normal women that dress In shorter dresses. The men show very wide and large lips probably Indicating an African American race. Ragtime Music and Cakewalk Dance By cadenzas expressed themselves in these musical forms to show black freedom and feel a part of popular music. The stereotype made in this article was based upon the sexuality resented in the cakewalk dance by African American women.Many described them as to be sexually frank and opinionated, to be figures of independence. In reality the African American women were Just a generation removed from slavery in which and music in the late sasss and early sasss helped bring European styled music on the sheet music doesnt show any negative criticism. In the imagery women and are dressed more conservative than normal women that dress in shorter dresses. The men show very wide and large lips probably indicating an African American race.
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