Monday, December 23, 2019
English - 1285 Words
Desiree Rielly Professor Guy Pollio 5 December 2012 English 101 What Shapes You? Often times, we rely on the world to we live in to shape us. From mass media, to magazines to commercials, we always find ourselves seeking the next best thing instead of what we already have. The way society shapes us develops each and every one of us because we are persuaded by such advertisements. Robert Scholes of â€Å"On Reading A Video Text†, and Shirley Jackson of â€Å"The Lottery†, show appropriate examples of the world we live in today. Robert Scholes proves how distorted and misconceiving people construe the world through the â€Å"Lottery†, proving his idea of cultural reinforcement. In â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, the small town of†¦show more content†¦They are an active community of which all engage in the same ritual. Although the ritual is unethical, it is safe to say that all types of people in this town work together, creating a similar culture amongst everyone. Also, this particular town creates a cultural body, as re ferred to as Scholes, based on their households. A family in this village consisted of a mother, father, and a couple of children. The mother was the caregiver, cooker and cleaner, the father was the workingman, and the children went to school and came home. The boys would help their fathers with house work involving tools and the girls would learn from their mothers the ways of caregiving and so on. What is so important in Jackson’s story is Tess Hutchinson is reassured, in a sense, that she is apart of this collective body because when she is chosen from the lottery, she becomes rebellious and disagreeing of what the lottery is. It reassures her that she has been engaging in this horrific event every year and has now just realized that she feels the town is corrupt and unfair. The lottery also demonstrates ideological criticism. Tess makes a joke at the end of the passage, just before she is aware that she is chosen, exclaiming why she was late by saying, â€Å"Wouldn’t want me to leave m’ dishes in the sink now would you, Joe?†(965). This sarcastic remark is mocking her job as a spouse and the typical hereditary family she has been living in. Scholes explains this scene as a ideologicalShow MoreRelatedThe English Of The Middle English894 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican English is consistently changing it began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement. The ne xt settlement that helped influence the English language was the Scandinavians which have some words with hybridization with spelling from Old English and Norse origins. During the Middle English period is when the most influencing happened with the Old English being broke down and replaced with the same English system we use today. During the early modern periods standardization began giving a standard forRead MoreEnglish Vs. 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